Wednesday, October 19, 2005


This month we were able to reach our goal of 35 last Sunday at worship and even passed the goal as we reached 38. Earlier in the month we did reach 35 and had 40 that some morning for “potluck,” but were excited to have an even larger turnout on a non-potluck Sunday for worship.
Likewise, I was able to start a new study on Tuesday nights with a visitor to the congregation who expressed quickly that he is eager for the Gospel. Please keep these studies and all of our contacts in your prayers as we continue to work here in Leon.

There must be something in the water because we are blessed to see lots of new babies showing up for worship with us this month. With three families in the congregation having babies (including Shawn and Barbara Gary our teammates) and Omar and Tana finding out that they will be joining these ranks soon too, growth is happening here in Leon in all sorts of ways. Already the congregation is asking the question “What do we do about a ‘cradle roll’ classroom?” These are exciting questions to have to ask and we are glad to see these “little ones” at church with us.

This month Jessica and I were blessed with two separate visits from supporters. In one case that partner was Jessica’s father (Jessie) who wanted to come and see the work. In another case that partner was Timbra Wiist who we worked with when she was an AIM student and whose husband was in our AIM class. Both Jessie and Timbra were able to see a good portion of the city, visit the church building, and see a good portion of what we are doing here. It was enjoyable in both cases to get to share our work and demonstrate first hand some of the things going on here.

Our teammate Omar Palafox and I will be making a mad run to the States in late October to request co-workers from the AIM program. As most of you know, AIM has been a big part of our lives and we as a team all went through the apprentice missions program as a way to first learn about mission work. We will be requesting five students as coworkers and are excited about the possibilities of these young people here with us. The 7 day trek up to Lubbock, Texas will take us through San Antonio, Dallas, Gatesville, Cameron, Abilene, Sudan, and Lubbock. As we pass various congregations we hope to collect teaching supplies and no longer used “junk” that the congregations are able to get rid of, and that we might be able to use at the church. Please pray for us as we run up and down the state of Texas and try to take care of business.

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